Booger Stew:
The Monumental Triptychs of Tom Huck (I–III)

October 26—November 22, 2017

Tom Hück

Electric Baloneyland

chiariscuro woodcut, 2017

Electric Baloneyland Pt 1: Get On Board The Star Spangled Shit-Show (left); 86" x 28 inches
Electric Baloneyland Pt 2: Fish Hookin'-Here Comes Mr. Fishy (center); 86" x52"
Electric Baloneyland Pt. 3: Assasi-Nation Station (right); 86" x 28 inches

Published by Flatbed Press, Austin TX

edition of 22

Tom Huck

The Tommy Peepers, 2014


60 x 47 inches (center)
60 x 38 inches (sides)

edition of 25

Tom Huck

The Transformation of Brandy Baghead, 2009


96 x 48 inches (center)
96 x 24 inches (sides)

edition of 40

Opening hours during print week October 24—October 29, 2017

Tuesday—Friday 10am to 5pm

Saturday and Sunday 12pm to 5pm


Opening hours October 31—November 22, 2017

Tuesday – Friday 10am to 5pm